Bernard is Santa's number 1 elf. He was the Administrative Elf, but passed that to Betty when he became the Chief Elf in charge of Training. Bernard is still the Elf who is over all aspects of North Pole life after Santa.
Betty is Santa's Administrative Elf in charge of the day to day North Pole operation. She took over for Bernard when he became the Chief Elf in charge of Training. Betty is very focused on what she does. She takes her work very seriously. She is married to Noel.
Bernard is sometimes called Santa's number 1 elf. He is in charge of making sure everything in the workshop is running smoothly.
Crouton is an elf in the Elf Command Center and manages information at the North Pole. He is very particular about what he does, but is very kind.
Edie is an administrative elf. She love to help with decision making. She tries to be very fair, and sometimes has a hard time with difficult decisions. She is funny and kind.
Holly is in charge of caring for, and training the reindeer for Santa. Holly is 425 years old. She has been working with Santa's reindeer for 210 years.
Sparkles works in the Elf Command Center and the North Pole Post Office. She is very good at detail and organizing.
Merida works in the Post office and makes sure all the letters get to Santa's desk. She has worked there for over 400 years
Kanko is one of the elves who is in charge of the Elf Command Center. He makes sure that the North Pole is not seen by the outside world, and sounds the alarm if humans get too close to the North Pole Village.
Dimitri works in the North Pole Post Office and sorts the mail that comes all year. He has been working for 307 years sorting mail for Santa.
Jessa helps Holly in the reindeer barn. She often shines the reindeer bell so they are so shiny that you can see yourself in them. She loves also making sure the reindeer don't get too much chocolate.
Noldorin works in the Present Warehouse moving and stacking presents. He helps load Santa's Sleigh for Christmas Eve.
Iona is a North Pole Post Office elf. She is new to the job and often carries the bags of mail to be sorted. She has been working for only 104 years.
Gustav is in charge of the Teddy Bear machine. He can often be seen repairing the machine as it is very old and breaks often. He is an amazing repair elf.
Snow can be found wrapping the gifts in the wrapping area. She knows how to wrap any gift she is given. After 430 years she is very good at what she does.
Namid works in the Naughty or Nice Center and watches the list as the elves down South report on how good the believers are. He believes there is always room on the Nice List.
Mistletoe is in charge of Santa's sleigh. She makes sure that is is painted, polished, and everything is working perfectly for the big nights when Santa delivers presents. She also is in charge of all the other sleighs Santa has at the North Pole
Noelle works with Mistletoe on taking care of Santa's sleighs. She is a young elf at 231 years old.
Kiko works in the teddy bear departent of the the workshop and the Kringle Candy Shoppe. Here name means hope in Japanese. Kiko is 200 years old.
Alaska works in the Teddy Bear work area. She has been working in that area for 159 years. She loves making the teddy bears for believers around the world
Elfonz is a lift driver in the Present Warehouse where all the presents go after they are made and wrapped.
Honorary elf
Become An Elf
Desk Top Devices
So you want to be one of Santa's Elves? Well, you won't be able to come to the North Pole, but you can be an Honorary Elf! What does that mean? It means that you agree to live by the Elf Code and to help other people as you spread Christmas Spirit all year long. So, here are the steps you need to take:
1. Read the Elf Code and agree to live by all of it.
2. Say the Elf pledge which is below.
3. Print your official Honorary Elf certificate (which is good for a year).
4. Start living the Elf Code!
(Say allowed)
I (Your Name) will live by the ELF CODE every day, as I spread the Christmas Spirit all year long. As an Honorary ELF I will be Caring, Kind, Honest, Trustworthy, Helpful, Fun, Humble, Open Minded, Well Behaved, Giving, Serving, Cheerful, and Positive.
Elf Jobs
The elves are a very important part of the North Pole Mission and Santa's work. They are the ones who do all the work and keep the North Pole running. I treat the elves very well. They are somewhat shy at first, especially getting their picture taken. Generally though, they are not are not shy at all, and have even worked in a few movies about me. With few exceptions they are about 4 feet 9 inches tall. They look like children for most of their lives, but do look older when they get really, really, really, really old. They each look different just like you and me. Pointy ears are most common, but rounded ears are common too. Each elf is unique, unless they are twins. Though they like colorful clothes it is a good idea to look good in green and red, as these are the the primary elf colors. The elves get a three month break every year. We rotate the times they are off, so there is always plenty of help at the North Pole. Generally, all the elves work October, November and December. That's the busy season! Not all elves are toy-makers. The North Pole is a city. We have bakeries, shoe shops, candy stores and a market. It is like any city with lots of different jobs that provide for the people who live there. Of course, there really is no cost to the elves and their families who live at the North Pole. I make sure everything is taken care of.
During Christmas elves work with me when I visit down South (everywhere is South of the North Pole). They also help Santa Helpers so they can report what you tell them. There are always elf teams out in the world checking on who is naughty and nice.
On Christmas Eve the Prep and Landing elves help as I fly around the world. There are lots of jobs for elves here are a few examples.
Cooks - The elves eat two meals a day at the Workshop. Depending when they work they get breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner, or dinner and breakfast. There is always plenty of milk and cookies any time they get hungry. They love sweets! The elf cooks and Mrs. Claus keep everyone fed. There are also elves who are cooks at such places as the Candy Cane Cafe, where elves and their families can go out to eat. Elves are excellent cooks, and Mrs. Claus works with them to develop wonderfully delicious menu items.
Candy Maker - At the North Pole we have a complete candy making operation. We ship candy around the world all year, not just at Christmas. The elves can make every type of candy ever made! They also work on inventing new types of candy. There is one very special job as a candy maker, painting the stripes on candy canes!
Reindeer Care - The reindeer get lots of love and care. The elves feed them, groom them, and exercise them. There are elves who clean the barn, and others who prepare their food and snacks. Its important not to let the reindeer eat too many sweets. They do enjoy vegetables like carrots and red bell peppers. Their favorite natural food is lichen. The reindeer always eat their vegetables. There is also a team of elves that picks the Christmas music the reindeer hear in their quarters each day. Reindeer love Christmas music.
Sleigh Team - There are several sleighs since they are Santa's main transportation. Elf teams care for, and keep them repaired. The sleighs are cleaned and polished often. They get painted so they always look new. Reindeer harnesses need to be oiled and kept in excellent condition. Each bell is polished every day! The ETT (Elf Technology Team) is continually coming up with new ideas to improve the sleigh.
Christmas Tree Forest - The Christmas tree forest is carefully maintained. Trees are trimmed so they grow perfect and beautiful. The trees are shipped around the world to be used for special Holiday events. There are elf teams that decorate the trees in part of the forest so they have lights and ornaments all year.
Elf Decor - The North Pole is a festive place, where it is Christmas every day. There are teams of elves who keep the North Pole looking fantastic. They are in charge of decoration outdoors and indoors. You will find them often covered with glitter and paint from a project they are working on.
Naughty and Nice Center - There are a lot of jobs here. With so many believers to keep track of, elves are constantly in contact with one another receiving and updating reports from around the world. These elves are very good at details, because no one wants someone to be on the wrong list. Of course, Santa does check the list twice before signing off on the final decisions.
Elf Information Teams - These are special operation Elves who are highly trained specialists. They are sent out through the entire world to check on the behavior of believers. They gather information and send it back to the Naughty and Nice Center. Their job is very secretive and they are masters of disguise. Usually, they only time you will see, or notice them is between Thanksgiving and Christmas when they can be more out in the open.
Elf Tech Team - This team of highly educated and scientific elves are in charge of all the technology and new inventions we use here at the North Pole. I personally work with these elves developing ideas for the making and delivering of the presents all around the world. These elves also help make the North Pole a safe place to live, work and play.
Gift Makers - This team of highly skilled and very fast workers make the millions of toys and other gifts that are delivered around the world. This is a very popular job at the North Pole, but every job is important to make sure Christmas is magical.
Elf Testing Team - This team loves its job, because they get to test all the toys and gifts. They have lots of fun playing and making sure everything is just right.
Wrapping- This elf team is the one that wraps all the presents. They choose the paper, ribbons, bags and tags for each gift and then it is sent to one of the storage buildings to be kept until delivery.