Welcome to the North Pole
Where it is always Christmas
You have found the North Pole Website! Santa and his elves are adding new items and features all the time so check back often to see what is new. It is always Christmas here at the North Pole.
Here on the North Pole Website you will find lots of information about Santa, the North Pole, Reindeer, Christmas movies and music, and lots of fun ideas and activities for the whole family. Santa even shares some of his magical secrets here.
Find your way around the site using the bar above and buttons found on the pages. Have A Holly Jolly Time!

Santa's Book Available for All Ages
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Santa &
Mrs Claus

Recent Journal Entries

I am the #1 elf at the North Pole. I used to be Santa's Administrative Elf. Now I have turned my attention to training the workshop elves. It was time to make a change. Of course, Betty still has my full support and I am ready to help her in any way. Santa and I decided that we would have a new training program, so after about 1900 years I decided I was ready for a change in duties.

I'm Chief Elf in charge of the North Pole Operation. I am Santa's Administrative Elf taking over for Bernard. I make sure everything is running smoothly at the North Pole and is ready for the big night.

Hi, I'm Noel and Santa's biggest fan. He depends on me. He is my inspiration. I will never let him down. He can count on me. I have been married to Betty for over 900 years. She is the love of my life.

Santa Claus
I am known by many names: Father Christmas,
Pere Noel, Father Frost, Joulupukki, Babbo Natale, Mikulas, Weihnachtsmann, Sinterklaas, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle. No matter which name you know me by I love to make Your Christmas Magical. Here on this website you can learn all about me and some of my magical secrets.